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A little tete-a-tete with time

She met me once . . . . .

Down by the beach, just lazing away,
Watching the day roll by, in its own way,
Pleasing it felt, that summer day,
To just sit back, come what ever may!

I watched her come by, with a smile on my face,
Greeted her over, with the warmest embrace,
Asked her to sit, and talk face-to-face,
She said that she would, but she still had to race!

She said She was Time, and smiled down at me,
Took in my awe, and shocked memory,
Said she was here, but not ever free,
“Ask your question, ask it dearie!”

“How have I been?” just came to my mind,
“Better than most” she deigned to respond,
“Why am I here?” I wanted to ask,
“That is for you, to take up Your Task”

“Please tell me more”, I had to beseech!
But long had she gone, there were others to reach,
My question remains, unanswered at best,
Awaiting a chance, for the ultimate test

Never Forgotten . . . .

I sat by you, on this open meadow,
Shared your love, and hearts entwined
I loved your sight, Its touch, so mellow,
The truth – it formed, and minds inclined!

We treasured our time, companions by nature,
Thoughtless we were, of each other’s pasts
We loved this life, we let it mature,
In tune with love, which would not last

In the face of pain, you laughed for me,
Your sorrow so deep, to hide, you sought
Was it your pain mirrored in me,
That broke you, when vile death could not?

You had no care, for fear or death,
Death herself so feared your will
But you welcomed her, with a golden wreath,
Smiled once more, and went so still . . . .

Have you left me here, to die alone?
To watch my life leak through my heart?
What does my future now intone,
When Death took what you set apart …..

~ RiverSoul

pic courtesy

A fresh start?

Hey world!  I’ve been away from the blogging scene for a while, but dont be shy! welcome me back!


My old Blog was (still is) on blogger, and I felt a change in the scene was necessary! So here I am!
Its been a while since I contemplated a return to the poetic blogging world, and now, I’m trying to get back to it.

My previous attempt to get back to it was utter failure, but that doesnt stop me from going right ahead and attempting, once again, to give it a shot!

In short, lets just say that Im a sucker for punishment, and an optimist to boot! 🙂

Lets see if it works this time!

image courtesy